Download File
This page, which is meant for technical users, provides a description of this unique linguistic resource as well as instructions on where to download it and how to produce bilingual aligned corpora for any of the 276 language pairs or 552 language pair directions. Here is an example of one sentence translated into 22 languages.
Download File
In order to reduce the size, the extraction uses English as the source language. The sequence in the extracted files is not necessarily the same as in the underlying documents, and redundancies of text segments like "Article 1" are inevitable. The documents are in the widely used Translation Memory eXchange (TMX) format. In order to be backwards compatible, the header mentions TMX format 1.1, but the files are also compliant with TMX 1.4b. The texts are encoded in UTF-16 Little Endian. The source language of the documents and sentences is not known, but many of the documents were originally written in English and then translated into the other languages.
The corpus is also available as a parsebank, i.e. it has been automatically annotated for part-of-speech, morphosyntax, lemma, and dependency annotations with UD-PIPE. The DGT-UD parsebank can be downloaded from the CLARIN.SI repository under , where you also find links to this corpus installed under two concordancers.
The DGT Translation Memory is currently available in 24 languages. For statistics on the total number of translation units, words and characters available for each language, you can download the file DGT-TM_Statistics.pdf.
For the number of aligned translation units for each language pair and further statistics regarding the release DGT-TM-2011, see the DGT-TM reference publication. For the later releases, statistics files are included in the first zip file of each release.
The distribution consists of a collection of zip files (see below), each not larger than 100 MB. Each zip file contains tmx-files identified by the EUR-Lex number of the underlying Acquis Communautaire documents and a file list in txt specifying the languages in which the documents are available.
There is no need to unzip the files as the extraction program will access the data in the zip files directly. The texts for the different languages are spread over the various zip files so that you will need to download all files if you want the full parallel corpus. Downloading only a subset of the zip files is possible, but it will result in producing only a subset of the parallel corpus.
You also need to download the extraction program and copy it into a suitable directory on your computer. The program is distributed as a Java jar file. Under Windows operating system it can run with a graphical user interface. On any operating system supporting the Java runtime of version 1.5 or newer it works in a machine-independent command line version.
Here are maps in Garmin image file format people have created from OSM data. Sites are listed by continent, then by country alphabetically, then by suspected usefulness (eg. sites which cover a whole continent and are updated regularly are listed first.) Maps offered worldwide or for a continent are often offering country downloads - hence they are only listed once and not for each region again. As OpenStreetMap is changing fast - only maps updated during the last 6 month should be listed. Permanently Dead links - please remove the entry.
In the vast majority of cases, the solution is to properly reinstall steam_api.dll on your PC, to the Windows system folder. Alternatively, some programs, notably PC games, require that the DLL file is placed in the game/application installation folder.
The ENA File Downloader is a new Java based command line application that you can downloadfrom GitHub.You can submit one or more comma separated accessions, or a file with accessions that youwant to download data for. This tool allows downloading of read and analysis files,using FTP or Aspera. It has an easy to use interactive interface and can also createa script which can be run programatically or integrated with pipelines.
The ENA FTP Downloader is a Java GUI application you can download fromGitHub.Given an accession, this program will present a list of associated read or analysis files youcan download.Alternatively, you can provide a file report generated from our Advanced Search API (ENA PortalAPI) to perform a bulk download of all files for a given set of criteria.Learn more about these APIs from our guide on How to Access ENAProgrammatically.
enaBrowserTools is a set of Python-based utilities which can be found here.These are simple-to-run scripts which allow accession-based data downloadcommands with the option to create more complex commands.Read more about this page in the enaBrowserTools Guide.
Aspera ascp command line client can be downloaded from Aspera.Please select the correct version for your operating system.The ascp command line client is distributed as part of the Aspera connecthigh-performance transfer browser plug-in.
Sometimes you may experience slowness or incomplete files when downloading from our FTP servers due to high load or ongoing maintenance. If the issue persists, please report it at here .You could also use other download methods such as Aspera or Globus, which might provide better performance than FTP.
Most modern web browsers no longer support the FTP protocol. For this reason, on the ENA Browser links to files hosted on FTP are internally converted to http when clicked for enabling downloads. You can copy the download links from ENA Browser and use them with non-browser clients (like wget or curl). If you still want to download using a web browser then please replace ftp:// with http:// in the URL.e.g. _1.fastq.gz -> _1.fastq.gz
To obtain a file's location (URL) to use with rsync (rsync:// orrsync://, navigate in your browser to our FTP site at or our downloads page at , and look for your file of interest. To learn more about rsync's options, type "man rsync" on the command line.
However, downloading via your browser will be very slow or may even time out for large files (i.e., bigBed, bigWig, BAM, VCF, etc.). Also, Safari does not support FTP inside the browser. When you enter a FTP URL in Safari, you may have to select "Guest" and click submit to log in before a FTP file system will open in a window on your desktop.
We do not encourage the use of FTP for downloading large data files. Rsync is a more efficient and convenient transport mechanism, and is therefore quicker and easier touse for downloading our data files. However, here are the command line steps for FTP, should you choose to use it:
To download multiple files from the UNIX ftp command line, use the "mget" command. You maywant to use the prompt command to toggle the interactive mode if you do not want to beprompted for each file that you download.
For Complete Genomics submissions, the directory (containing the ASM, LIB and MAP subdirectories for the sample) should be compressed using tar or gzip. The compressed directory file should be encrypted and md5sum (encrypted and unencrypted) values provided. DO NOT ENCRYPT THE FILES WITHIN THE COMPRESSED TAR OR GZIP.
Once you have received the full Online Filing client software (including the smart card reader software) you will be able to process a number of patches and maintenance updates via the Live Update mechanism built into your client. Alternatively, you can download them from this page (this does not apply to the cryptovision software). The Live Update function only works for national plug-ins if the countries for which you want to download an update have first been selected. Completely new Online Filing versions will not be available via the Live Update functionality and will have to be downloaded from this page, which also contains a complete collection of the latest software updates.
Special note for users who wish to perform filing via the PMS gateway integrated in version 5 of the Online Filing software: Please make sure that the files generated by your PMS can be read and processed by the EPO before you perform filing in production mode. Contact the EPO for further details before you perform filing in production mode. More information on the PMS interface.
The Ega-Cryptor v.2.0.0 is a JAVA-based application which enables submitters to produce EGA compliant encrypted files along with files for the encrypted and unencrypted md5sum for each file to be submitted. The application will generate an output folder that will by default mirror the directory structure containing the original files. This output folder can subsequently be uploaded to the EGA FTP staging area via an FTP or Aspera client. This mirroring of the directory structure is intended to help with the metadata association within the Submitter Portal.
The new Cryptor has been built to work with Java Runtime Environments from version 6 and above and with the OpenJDK Environment. Please refer to the relevant resources for installation guidance. Installing the latest version of the OpenJDK will include the JCE files. If your installation of Java JRE is less than 1.8.0_151 will require the manual installation of the JCE Policy Files. You can verify the version of Java installed by using the command:$ java -version
Due to the processes used at the EGA for file archival the use of non-alphanumeric characters in a filename will cause issues in archival. By convention whitespaces in filenames are to be avoided and should be replaced with the underscore character (_).
Additional performance enhancements that have been included in the new version of the EGA-Cryptor V2.0.0: the ability to parallelise the processing of datasets through the use of the resources on a system. Multicore systems will allow the user to specify n-1 cores for an n-core system. The use of this feature on clusters may speed up the processing of datasets that have large file numbers but users should consult their local cluster guide to ensure that they are not monopolising resources that are needed by other system users. The default for this process remains single threaded.
3 levels of system usage can be specified. Full usage within the limits detailed above. A limited mode that will ensure that 50% of the system resources are available for other tasks. Maximum mode is limited to 75% of system resources, this allows encryption to be prioritised but allows for the system to be usable for light alternate tasks. Finally there is a throttling mode that allows the user to specify the exact number of computational threads are to be used.
the Cryptor is able to ingest a structured directory and will output the a directory with the same structure containing the encrypted files along with the md5checksums for the plain and encrypted files. The entire output directory can then be uploaded to the EGA for archival.
as with the input path, it is now possible to specify the output path.
the options have been updated inline with the upgraded functionality.