5000 LE Motor 1.44
A limitation of the existing research on dual-task interference in aging is that it has focused predominantly on dual-task performance during unobstructed walking at preferred gait speed. Therefore, the effect of dual-task interference on gait and cognitive performance during more attention-demanding gait tasks remains largely unknown. Furthermore, because slowing down during unobstructed walking in the gait laboratory is inconsequential for successful completion of the motor task, individuals may place more importance on performing the cognitive task [3]. Indeed, healthy young and older adults appear to place greater priority on the secondary (nongait) task in many dual-task situations [4, 5]. It seems reasonable to assume that when gait task complexity increases and there is a greater potential threat to stability, individuals would place more importance on completing the gait task safely. The current study explores how gait task difficulty affects cognitive-motor interference.
5000 LE motor 1.44
Consistent with previous research [17], older adults demonstrated a significant dual-task decline in gait speed during the Stroop task whereas young adults did not. Young adults, however, experienced a significant dual-task decline in gait speed during the Stroop task in the fast-obstacle condition. This finding suggests that in more attention-demanding gait tasks such as obstacle avoidance, a relatively simple cognitive task can impact gait speed, even in healthy young adults. Whereas the Stroop task affected walking speed in the fast-obstructed condition but not the fast-unobstructed condition, the clock task significantly reduced gait speed in both fast-obstructed and fast-unobstructed walking conditions. Thus, more difficult cognitive tasks may amplify dual-task interference in gait speed in easier gait tasks. The three-way interaction on DTEg corroborates the findings for gait speed and provides evidence for differential effects of gait and cognitive task difficulty on cognitive-motor interference during walking between young and older adults.
A close-up of the untethered exoskeleton assisting a person walking in a public setting. The video is slowed down by a factor of four to allow better visualization of the motor-and-drum transmission applying torque about the ankle joint to assist the person as they extend their ankle and push off of the ground with their toes.
G45 turbine housing kits are available in four A/R. 1.01 A/R 1.15 A/R 1.28 A/R 1.44 A/R stainless steel housings with T4 divided inlet flange. Our 1.44 A/R T4 turbine housing flows 57 LBS/MIN of air which is a 14% increase over the GTX45 turbine wheel. 041b061a72